
Jun 13, 20234 min

Everything You Need To Know About Artificial Intelligence (AI)

It's an exciting time for the tech world with new strides being made daily in Quantum Computing, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Robotics and Automation, Renewable Energy etc.

Of course, we can't talk about technology without addressing what everyone is currently talking about - Artificial Intelligence better known as AI.

What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in its simplest form is the development of computer systems that can learn and perform tasks that require human intelligence and skill. There are different forms of AI:

- Narrow AI: Focuses on specific tasks.

- General AI: Represents AI systems that possess human-level intelligence across a wide range of tasks.

Artificial intelligence has the potential to bring significant advancements to various industries, including

- Healthcare

- Finance

- Transportation

- Media; Online, Film, TV, Audio, Gaming etc

- Engineering

What Are The Advantages & Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI), love it or loath it, embrace it or fear it, is here to stay so its important to know about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its pro's and con's:

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

- Automation and Efficiency: AI enables automation of various tasks, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. Performing repetitive tasks at speed frees up human resources who can undertake more complex and creative tasks.

- Data Analysis and Insights: AI systems are great at analysing large volumes of data and highlighting valuable headline insights. This can help businesses make quick and decisive data-driven decisions, identify patterns, and detect irregularities that may be difficult for people to detect.

- Improved Precision and Accuracy: AI, and the technology connected to it, can perform tasks with a high level of precision and accuracy. The removal of human error eliminated by AI enables the delivery of reliable and consistent results.

- Handling Complex and Repetitive Tasks: AI can handle difficult tasks which require advanced computation, reasoning, and decision-making. It can also undertake repetitive tasks without the constant feeling of tiredness, improving productivity and reducing human effort.

- Personalization and Recommendation: AI-powered algorithms can analyse user preferences, behaviour, and historical data to provide personalised recommendations. This can improve the quality of user experiences in areas like e-commerce, entertainment, and content consumption.

Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence:

- Job Losses: AI Automation can lead to job losses in certain roles. Tasks that can be automated may not require any human intervention, potentially causing unemployment or job re-training.

- Lack of Creativity and Intuition: AI relies on algorithms and predefined rules, limiting its capacity for creative innovation and adapting to situations that require contextual understanding.

- Ethical Concerns: AI raises a number of ethical concerns. Questions arise regarding privacy, data security, biases in algorithmic decision-making, and the impact of AI on societal values and norms. Ensuring ethical AI practices is crucial.

- Dependence on Data and Infrastructure: AI systems rely on large amounts of data and robust infrastructure to function effectively. Lack of or biased data and inadequate infrastructure can hinder the performance of AI and its accuracy.

- Technical Limitations and Errors: AI systems are not incapable of making mistakes and can make errors or produce inaccurate results. Their performance is subject to chance on the quality of algorithms, training data, and the expertise of developers, making it essential to review and address technical limitations to continually improve AI technologies.

Parents - You Have A Role To Play In Guiding Your Child's Interaction With Artificial Intelligence

Parents have a vital role to play in guiding their children's interaction with technology, including artificial intelligence (AI). Some aspects parents should consider and be aware of regarding artificial intelligence include:

- Educational Opportunities; Artificial Intelligence can provide a number of education opportunities for young people such as coding, machine learning, and robotics to develop skills which will be valuable for their future.

- Digital Literacy and Privacy; It's important that parents discuss the importance of digital literacy (having the skills you need to to live and work in this digital age) and privacy. Doing so will allow your child to navigate the internet and ensure that their data is secure and personal information is protected.

- Ethical Implications; One of the most important discussions parents can have with their child is around the ethical implications of using artificial intelligence (AI). As previously mentioned artificial intelligence (AI) bases its results on the quality of algorithms, training data, and the expertise of developers. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is subject to chance and may not get everything right.

- AI-Assisted Learning; Artificial Intelligence (AI) education tools are becoming increasingly common at the moment. Parents should be familiarising themselves with this tools looking at the quality, appropriateness, and safety of AI assisted learning tools.

- Balancing Screen Time; Balancing screen time and other activities is nothing new. Having conversations and setting boundaries around screen time is important for a number of reasons including health, wellbeing, improved sleep, increased creativity to name a few.

- Monitoring Parental Controls; Parents should be aware and have control of the content their child is accessing online. Familiarising yourself with parental control settings, content filters, and monitoring tools can help to ensure a safe and appropriate digital experience for your child.

- Critical Thinking and Media Literacy; Artificial Intelligence (AI) can create super realistic-looking fake content such as deepfakes and mis-information. Teaching your child the critical thinking skills and media literacy they need can help them work out what is authentic and what is fake. This skill enables them to then go on an make informed decisions.

- Emotional Well-being; While AI technologies can offer convenience and entertainment, it's important to monitor the impact on your child's emotional well-being. Parents should encourage open communication with their children, ensuring they understand the boundaries and potential effects of AI on mental health.

- Role Modelling; Parents should be mindful that they are role models when it comes to the use of their own technology. Demonstrating responsible and balanced use of technology, including artificial intelligence (AI) will influence your child's behaviour and attitudes towards technology.

- Lifelong Learning; As artificial intelligence (AI) rapidly evolves it is important that young people understand the importance of being open to on-going learning. Parents can encourage curiosity, adaptability, and a growth mindset which can help children and young people embrace the opportunity and challenges presented by AI in the future.

As a parent it is important to create open communication between yourself and your child, and actively engage with the child's experience using technology as a whole - not just artificial intelligence (AI). Parents can support their children in navigating the world of technology, the internet and artificial intelligence responsibly.
