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If you are concerned about yourself or a somebody else, these helplines can offer expert advice:
Anxiety UK
Charity providing support if you’ve been diagnosed with an anxiety condition.
Phone: 03444 775 774
(Mon-Fri, 9.30am-5.30pm)
Website: www.anxietyuk.org.uk
CALM is the Campaign Against Living Miserably, for men aged 15-35.
Website: www.thecalmzone.net
Mental Health Foundation
Provides information and support for anyone with mental health problems or learning disabilities.
Website: www.mentalhealth.org.uk
Promotes the views and needs of people with mental health problems.
Phone: 0300 123 3393
(Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm)
Website: www.mind.org.uk
Young suicide prevention society.
Phone: HOPElineUK 0800 068 4141 (Mon-Fri,10am-5pm & 7-10pm. Weekends 2-5pm)
Website: www.papyrus-uk.org
Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair.
Phone: 116 123 (free 24-hour helpline)
Website: www.samaritans.org.uk
Kooth, from XenZone, is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of use.
Website: https://www.kooth.com